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Costa Shulyupin 2018-08-07 08:59:50 +03:00
parent 4b9cb2d807
commit e7112db404
1 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ import random
import os
import sys
import collections
from munch import *
import subprocess
import re
import networkx as nx
# from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import read_dot # changes order of successors
from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import read_dot
from networkx.generators.ego import *
from networkx.algorithms.dag import *
from networkx.utils import open_file, make_str
from pprint import pprint
import difflib
@ -711,6 +713,44 @@ def cflow_linux():
write_dot(reduce_graph(reduce_graph(start_kernel)), '')
def stats(a):
dg = to_dg(a)
stat = Munch()
im = dict()
om = dict()
leaves = set()
roots = set()
stat.edge_nodes = 0
for n in dg:
id = dg.in_degree(n)
od = dg.out_degree(n)
if id == 1 and od == 1:
stat.edge_nodes += 1
if id:
im[n] = id
if od:
om[n] = od
stat.max_in_degree = max(dict(dg.in_degree).values())
stat.max_out_degree = max(dict(dg.out_degree).values())
stat.leaves = len(leaves)
stat.roots = len(roots)
# pprint(im)
# pprint(om)
stat._popular = ' '.join(sort_dict(im)[:10])
stat._biggest = ' '.join(sort_dict(om)[:10])
gd = remove_loops(dg)
stat.dag_longest_path_len = len(dag_longest_path(dg))
print(' '.join(dag_longest_path(dg)))
for a in [nx.DiGraph.number_of_nodes, nx.DiGraph.number_of_edges, nx.DiGraph.number_of_selfloops,
stat[a.__name__] = a(dg)
me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])